
Branson -Ultrasonics in Daily Life-

promotion video

Branson -Ultrasonics in Daily Life-

超音波を具体的に解説。専門用語など難しい箇所はモーショングラフィックを使用してわかりやすくした。 具体的な機器も見せながら実写とアニメーションで超音波を身近に感じてもらえるように工夫した。

-Ultrasonics in Daily Life-
Concrete explanation of ultrasonics. Motion graphics has been used to make the technical terms easier to understand. By showing the specific devices with a combination of live-action and animation we have attempted to make the viewers feel closer to ultrasonics.


Director & Cinematographer: Naruhito Suetsugu, Newmark Inc.
Producer: Eriko Suetsugu, Newmark Inc.
Project management: Takao Odamiya, Newmark Inc.
Shooting Assistant: Ryuuya Takeda, Tanabata Usagi
Associate Producer: Kano Akiyo, Newmark Inc.
Animation & Editing: Noriko Ooyama, Newmark Inc.
Client: EMERSON Japan Branson Business Headquarters
