一級建築事務所「室内楽」を主宰する大野晃貴彦氏が中心となり、香川県内のこれからの世代を担う建築家・施工店と顧客を結ぶことを目的に設立されたILAC《I Love Architect Community》のウェブサイトおよびパンフレットを制作しました。世代の価値観に合わせた家づくりを提唱するILACの感性に沿ってモダンなデザインに仕上げました。
For the purpose of connecting the next generation of architects/contractors in Kagawa pref. with customers, Akihiko Ohno, manager of a first-class registered architect’s office: shitsu/nai/raku, established ILAC: I Love Architect Community. We created the modern website and brochure in line with ILAC’s sensibility, advocating the house building that matches each generation’s sense of values.
For the purpose of connecting the next generation of architects/contractors in Kagawa pref. with customers, Akihiko Ohno, manager of a first-class registered architect’s office: shitsu/nai/raku, established ILAC: I Love Architect Community. We created the modern website and brochure in line with ILAC’s sensibility, advocating the house building that matches each generation’s sense of values.
Project manager: Misaki Takabatake, Newmark Inc.
Design: Shoichi Kumagai, Newmark Inc.
Programer: Sam Liu