
さぬき市外に住む若者に向けてUターンを促進するきっかけになる動画制作を行い、成人式及びSNSにて発信。 香川県出身のシンガーソングライター森ちひろさんの故郷への想いをやさしい歌声と穏やかなメロディーに乗せ歌う曲「トマト」のミュージックビデオを制作しました。

A video was produced to promote U-turns to young people living outside Sanuki City and disseminated at the Coming-of-Age Ceremony and on SNS. A music video was produced for the song "Tomato" by Chihiro Mori, a singer-songwriter from Kagawa Prefecture, who sings about her hometown with her gentle voice and calm melody.


Produce: Tomoyuki Higashihara (Seiko-sha)
Producer: Eriko Suetsugu
Director & Cinematographer: Naruhito Suetsugu
Assistant Director: Noriko Oyama
Editing: Yukino Miyashita
Client: Sanuki City
