KAGAWA Prefecture Product PR

Mariko × Kagawa glove


KAGAWA Prefecture Product PR

インスタグラマーのMarikoさん、全国の手袋生産シェア90%を誇る東かがわ市を手のシルエットが美しくカラフルなレザー手袋をはめ、颯爽と自転車で駆け抜けます。 手袋の高い縫製技術から派生し、おしゃれで高品質の革商品への展開も紹介しています。 制作した動画をMaricoさんのInstagramやWEB媒体での特集ページ、SNS広告等を組み合わせたデジタルプロモーションも行いました。

Instagram Glamor Mariko, wearing beautiful silhouettes of hands in Higashikagawa City boasting 90% of the glove production share nationwide, wearing colorful leather gloves, you can rush through with bicycle.It is derived from high glove sewing technology and introduces to fashionable high quality leather goods.We also made a digital promotion that combined the created video with Marico's Instagram, feature page on WEB medium, SNS advertisement and so on.


Director/Cinematographer: Naruhito Suetsugu, Newmark Inc.
Music: Feriado
Project management: Eriko Suetsugu, Newmark Inc.
Lighting: Akira Sato, Newmark Inc.
Producer: Keiko Tada, Viator Inc.
Website design: Shoichi Kumagai, Newmark Inc.
Client: KAGAWA prefecture
